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DMBM520435 - Debt and return pursuit: PAYE: in-year: in-year procedures: stopping the auto reminder cycle

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There may be occasions where you are commencing enforcement action for earlier months when you do not want BROCS to issue reminders for later in-year months. To do so take the following action

Make the case working locally on IDMS (call-off)

Use CNA NA format 4 and request LAN in order for the relevant months or quarters to be referred directly to your IDMS PAYE in-year work list.

No further reminders will be issued from BROCS for the relevant months or quarters.

Stop reminders from being issued from BROCS

Inhibit the issue of reminders for the appropriate months

  • complete the INHIBIT UP TO MONTH field on BROCS CNA Format 4. For example, if you wish to inhibit reminders for months 1 to 4, enter ‘5’ in the INHIBIT UP TO MONTH field - the issue of reminders will begin for month 5.

Where inhibition to a specific month is not appropriate, or the latest month due is cleared or not yet due

  • defer the issue of reminders by changing the NEXT ACTION DATE of the next reminder due to be issued (NEXT ACTION CODE is PR1, PR2, PR3 or PR4) on CNA Format 4 to the date on which you want the reminder to be issued.

Do not inhibit payment reminders for a case which you are ‘calling off' as future months will become local action as soon as they become due.

Extend the period of inhibition or deferral

  • complete the INHIBIT UP TO MONTH field to show the revised period of inhibition or
  • change the NEXT ACTION DATE on CNA Format 4 to show the date when the issue of reminders is to resume.

Reduce the period of inhibition or deferral

  • change the NEXT ACTION DATE of the next reminder, on CNA Format 4, to the date on which you want the form to be issued.

Extend a period of inhibition or deferral into a second tax year

On the first working day after the 5 April

inhibit or defer the issue of reminders using CNA Format 4 as detailed above.