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DMBM520470 - Debt and return pursuit: PAYE: in-year process: IDMS actions: work items not suitable for the automatic process

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If the following signals or information codes are set, the work item will appear on the C/W PAYE worklist at the appropriate DTO with a next action of ‘new’.

  • Insolvency
  • RLS
  • New Business
  • Deceased
  • Long Name/address
  • PLAR
  • Welsh Language
  • Dishonoured cheque
  • Electoral payment scheme
  • DP/DC
  • Reissued work item
  • Profit sharing
  • Taxed award
  • LAN requested by a user
  • Segmentation 1 employer

If no signals or information codes are present, the work items will be passed through the DMTC process.