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DMBM520535 - Debt and return pursuit: PAYE: in-year process: referrals to Field Force: transferring work items to Field Force

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If after performing the quality gateway checks at DMBM605100, you identify that a WI(s) is suitable for transfer to FF for a personal call, quantification or distraint, you should transfer the WI(s) on IDMS to FF.

Note: You should only transfer the WI(s) to FF; you should not transfer the taxpayer record. If you transfer the taxpayer record, FF will transfer TP ownership back to you.

Transferring WI(s) for a personal call

The FF support team selects WI(s) requiring a pre-enforcement call from C/W Personal Call.

Before you transfer a WI(s) to FF, you must:

  • move the WI(s) to C/W Personal Call in your own office
  • set the next action as the appropriate Call Area.

To do this you should use function RECORD ACTIONS from the TAXPAYER INFORMATION SCREEN (TIS):

  • highlight the WI (master or singleton)
  • select WORK ITEM from the menu option
  • click on Add
  • record an action history note of ‘Clerical’ from the drop down menu and select OK
  • from the drop down option in the MOVE TO box select C/W Personal Call
  • set the NEXT ACTION DATE to ‘Tomorrow’

then from C/W Personal Call:

  • record an action history note of the reason for the call
  • select the appropriate Call Area as a next action.

You can then transfer the WI(s) to FF. To do this:

  • from TIS, highlight the WI(s) (master or singleton) to be transferred
  • select TRANSFER from the menu option.


  • enter the destination numeral of your FF office
  • select radio button ‘TRANSFER selected WI(s) only’
  • click on OK.

You will then be returned to TIS.

The FF support team will select the WI(s) from their C/W Personal Call worklist and arrange for a call to be made. Then either:

  • transfer the WI(s) back to your office to the appropriate worklist
  • refer the WI(s) for a distraint call
  • monitor the WI(s) if a TTP has been agreed for less than three months.

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Transferring WI(s) for a quantification

If a review of the PAYE records is needed to establish the amount the employer owes, the visit (quantification) will be made by FF.

For any such cases, you should:

  • transfer it from your C/W Quant worklist to the same worklist in the FF office
  • record an action history note of the reason for the call
  • select the appropriate Call Area as a next action.

You should transfer the WI(s) only to the FF office. To do this:

  • from TIS, highlight the WI(s) (master or singleton) to be transferred
  • select TRANSFER from the menu option.


  • enter the destination numeral of your FF office
  • select radio button ‘TRANSFER selected WI(s) only’
  • click on OK.

You will then be returned to TIS.

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Transferring WI(s) for distraint

The FF can not accept a return WI(s) transferred for enforcement action. In all cases you should only transfer the debt WI(s) to FF. You should not transfer the return WI(s) otherwise FF will transfer these WI(s) back to you. If there is a return WI(s) you must unlink it from the debt(s).

Note: If an underpayment WI has an information code of ‘P14 outstanding’ or a signal of either ‘Outstanding return’ or ‘Part scheme processed’ you can still move the item to the FF as shown below. FF will pursue the missing return/part/scheme alongside the debt.

The FF collector will ask for any outstanding returns when making their calls even though the return WI(s) has not been transferred to them.

In all cases, you should transfer the debt WI(s) only to FF:

  • record an action history note of the reason for the call and select the appropriate Call Area as a next action
  • from TIS, highlight the debt WI(s) (master or singleton) to be transferred
  • select TRANSFER from the menu option.


  • enter the destination numeral of your FF office
  • select radio button ‘TRANSFER selected WI(s) only’
  • click on OK.

The debt WI(s) will be transferred to your FF team, the return WI(s) and the taxpayer record will remain in your office to continue the appropriate pursuit action.