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DMBM524620 - Debt and return pursuit: CIS: in-year and end-of-year process: roles and access

The majority of this manual will be archived on 1 July 2024. If there is content within this manual you use regularly, email to let us know.

Roles and access for Debt Management offices

You will continue to use either the user roles Pursuit Manager or Pursuit Officer to access CIS. You will use:

  • Pursuit Officer, to Record Contact History and Free Format Notes
  • Pursuit Manager, to:
  • Record Contact History and Free Format Notes
  • maintain Return Period Exemption (setting and un-setting) see DMBM524555 
  • maintain penalty inhibitions (setting and un-setting) see DMBM524557 
  • re-send End of Year Totals (Employer Data Exception Unit only).