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DMBM557960 - Debt and return pursuit: Child Benefit overpayments: enforcement: methods of enforcing an order

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Enforcing an order

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

Methods of enforcement

The following table lists the four methods of enforcement available to you, with a brief description of each.

Note: You will enforce the vast majority of county court judgments by Warrant of Execution or Attachment of Earnings order; you will rarely use any of the other methods.

Method of enforcement Action Guidance

Warrant of Execution

An order direct to the bailiff to seize and sell sufficient of the defendant's goods to recover the money due under the order.


Attachment of Earnings Order

An order to a defendant's employer to deduct a sum of money on each pay day from the defendant's wages.


Third party debt order

An order directed to anyone who owes the defendant money. The order requires that person (called the `third party') to pay the money owed (or part of it), to the claimant in satisfaction of the order.


Charging Order

An order preventing the defendant from selling any land or securities, for example government stock, without first paying the order.


Orders to attend

If you do not have sufficient information to decide on the best method of enforcement you should consider applying to the court for an ‘Order to attend’. This orders the defendant to attend court to provide information; see DMBM666510.