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DMBM570185 - Debt and return pursuit: miscellaneous charges: Regulation 13 determinations: disputes

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Contractor disputes amount due

Once the Regulation 13 determination has been issued the debt remains payable until

  • it is paid in full
  • a written appeal against the Regulation 13 determination setting out the grounds for their appeal has been made and accepted by the Compliance Officer.

You should

  • advise the contractor of the above points
  • ask if the contractor intends to make a late appeal.

If the contractor intends to make a late appeal

  • advise the contractor to make the written appeal immediately
  • B/F the case 14 days and check if an appeal has been received and accepted.

After 14 days, if no appeal has been made you should

  • continue debt pursuit activity and take enforcement action as appropriated.

If the contractor does not intend to make a late appeal you should

  • continue debt pursuit activity and take enforcement action as appropriated.