DMBM615110 - Pre-enforcement: recovery documentation and checks: recovery proceedings checks: contents
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DMBM615120RP checks for SAFE charges
DMBM615125RP checks for SDLT charges
DMBM615130RP checks for WTC / CTC overpayments
DMBM615140RP checks for PAYE Underpayments - unused WFTC funding
DMBM615150RP checks for Class 1/1A NIC collected outside the Income Tax provisions
DMBM615160RP checks for Class 2 NIC / Class 2 NIC Late Notification Penalties
DMBM615170RP checks for Class 1 NIC debts from NICO
DMBM615190RP checks for MARD debts
DMBM615210If the debtor contacts you on the day of proceedings