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DMBM660230 - Summary proceedings: Lodging complaint in the magistrates' court - Northern Ireland

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Form 33

There are two versions of the form 33 - an IDMS version and a clerical version.

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IDMS form 33

The IDMS version of the Form 33 is available to C/W SP NI. It does not require any clerical completion as it

  • summarises the debts you include on the form
  • calculates the costs
  • prints the taxpayer’s name and address and the plaintiff’s name and address
  • prints the name of the relevant court in which any action will be taken.

The form is printed locally.

Taxpayers address and debt details


In a partnership case one form is issued to each of the partners. The partnership name and address, which is printed on the form, is the recovery name and address shown on the ‘Other Addresses’ tab of DESIGNATORY DETAILS. If no recovery name and address are present then the partnership name and address as displayed on the TP address field on the TAXPAYER INFORMATION SCREEN is printed on the form.

The partner’s name and address details are the partner’s address shown on the other addresses tab of DESIGNATORY DETAILS. To issue the IDMS Form 33 to a partnership there must be at least one partner’s address shown on the other addresses tab of DESIGNATORY DETAILS.

To ensure that the partnership’s and partner’s correct name and address are shown on the form

  • check and where appropriate
  • amend DESIGNATORY DETAILS before requesting the form.

Note you must also check that the Taxpayer type is set to ‘P’.

Non-partnership cases

The taxpayer’s name and address, which is printed on the form, is the recovery name and address shown on the other addresses tab of DESIGNATORY DETAILS.

If no recovery name and address are present then the taxpayers name and address as displayed on the TP address field on the TAXPAYER INFORMATION SCREEN are printed on the form. To ensure that the taxpayer’s correct name and address are shown on the form check and where appropriate amend DESIGNATORY DETAILS before requesting the form.

To include the correct debt details on the form link all the work items that you wish to include in the enforcement action.

Printing the IDMS Form 33

To obtain an IDMS FORM 33

  • highlight a single work item or the master work item of a linked set on the TAXPAYER INFORMATION SCREEN
  • select menu item Work Item then option
  • select menu item Proceedings then option
  • complete the following fields in PROCEEDINGS DETAILS General tab
  • Court Type
  • Court Name
  • Proceedings Type
  • Hearing Type
  • Date of Current Hearing
  • Time of Current Hearing
  • Form 33 Issue Date
  • click on
  • highlight the relevant hearing you have just created on PROCEEDINGS HISTORY
  • select menu item Forms then option or click on the Form 33 pushbutton
  • complete the Type of Debt field and
  • click .

Note: As there may be multiple pages, you should allow sufficient time to print off all the forms you need. If necessary consider printing the forms the day before but always remember to check for payments etc on the day of the hearing.

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Clerical form 33

In all cases prepare three copies of the summons form 33 (Process in Debt proceedings).

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All cases

To lodge complaint you should send the court two copies of the form 33 preferably by post.

  • include the fee
  • carry out an RP check (DMBM615040).

The court will arrange for a summons server to serve a copy of the form 33 on the taxpayer.

Postal service in Northern Ireland is not an option without court sanction.