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DMBM666320 - CCP: action after judgment obtained: the judgment

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Where appropriate, the court will

  • enter judgment on form N30, N30(1) or N30(2) [Judgment for Claimant], and
  • send copies to
  • the judgment debtor (the defendant) together with leaflet EX20 ‘Paying your judgment - what do I do?’
  • the judgment creditor (i.e. you as claimant)
  • Registry Trust Limited (DMBM666350).

The judgment

  • orders the judgment debtor to pay direct to the creditor either
  • forthwith (that is, immediately)
  • in one sum on a given date
  • by instalments, or
  • a lump sum on a given date followed by instalments
  • warns of the consequences of non-payment
  • is accompanied by a leaflet giving advice about payment.

Where judgment is entered in your favour, you will have all the court enforcement methods available to you (depending on the type of debt) if the judgment debtor defaults on (that is, does not comply strictly with the terms of) the order for payment.

Make sure you B/F appropriately where payment is ordered by instalments.