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DMBM668210 - Enforcement action: county court proceedings: judgment summonses: new orders made at a judgment summons hearing

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The judge may decide to make a new order at the judgment summons hearing. The new order will apply to the whole amount remaining unpaid under the original judgment, not just to the amount on the judgment summons.

In such cases, you cannot take further enforcement action unless and until the judgment debtor defaults on the new order.

Accordingly, keep cases on a tight BF to make sure that you are immediately aware of any default and take another method of enforcement if it appears worthwhile.

You may apply for a judgment summons, but the amount for which the judgment summons is issued must not include any amount for which the judgment debtor has already been imprisoned before the new order was made. In those cases, you will already have written to the judgment debtor to tell them the judgment debt has been concessionally reduced (DMBM668190).