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DMBM680280 - Ordinary Cause: Stages of taking an ordinary cause action

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At each stage of the proceedings you must

  • ensure that the debt remains unpaid and
  • record the action taken on all the appropriate records.

To start an action you need to

  • prepare an initial writ with an exact copy for each defender and a copy for your records (DMBM680290 - DMBM680310)
  • send the initial writ to the court for registration (DMBM680520)
  • arrange for delivery of the service copy of the initial writ and citation of the defender(s) (DMBM680550)
  • return the initial writ to the court with a minute for decree where no intention to defend has been lodged by the defender (DMBM680930)
  • attend the court where necessary
  • obtain extract decree where the action is successful (DMBM680980)
  • instruct the sheriff officer as to how the decree that you have obtained for your debt is to be enforced (DMBM680990).