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DMBM680580 - Ordinary Cause: Table of fees payable to sheriff officers

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The fees applicable to ordinary cause actions are as laid out in the Statutory Instrument (Fees of Sheriff Officers) a copy of which is held in your office. Debt Management Edinburgh Group Office will notify you of any subsequent amendments required to these fees. Statutory Instrument 2007 No. 550 which came into force on 14 January 2008 details the fees currently applicable and a note of the fees which you will most often be concerned with is detailed below.

The actual copy of the Statutory Instrument held in your office will provide you with fulldetails of all charges.

Service or intimation of a document - - -
(a) Service Band 1 (up to 12 miles) Band 2 (over 12 and up to 18 miles) Band 3 (over 18 miles)
(i) for each person at a different address £ 45.15 £ 66.45 £ 86.65
(ii) for each additional person at the same address, or additional copy required to be served or intimated under the Act of 1987 and the Act of 2002
£ 15.05

£ 15.05

£ 15.05
(b) Postal service £ 22.05 £ 22.05 £ 22.05
(c) Postal diligence £ 33.20 £ 33.20 £ 33.20
Attachments - - -
(a) Serving notice of entry £ 9.40 £ 9.40 £ 9.40
(b) arranging attachment and endeavouring but being unable to execute same for whatever reason £ 70.40 £ 70.40 £ 70.40
(c) arranging and executing attachment where appraised value is:- - -


(i) £580 or under £ 82.40 £ 82.40 £ 82.40
(ii) Over £580 and up to £2,330 £127.80 £127.80 £127.80
(iii) Over £2,330 and up to £23,472 10% of the appraised value - -
(iv) Over £23,472 and up to £117,348 10% of the firsy £23,472, 5% thereafter up to £117,348 and 1% thereafter. - -
(d) Reporting attachment £ 7.85 £ 7.85 £ 7.85
Attachment of motor vehicles, heavy plant or machinery - - -
(a) Arranging and executing attachment where appraised value is:- - - -
(i) £580 or under £ 82.40 £ 82.40 £ 82.40
(ii) Over £580 and up to £2,578 £127.80 £127.80 £127.80
(iii) Over £2,578 and up to £117,348 5% of the appraised value - -
(iv) Over £117,348 5% of the firdt £113,270 and 1% thereafter - -
(b) Reporting attachment £ 7.85 £ 7.85 £ 7.85
Auctions - - -
(a) Arranging auction, preparing advertisement and giving public notice £ 20.40 £ 20.40 £ 20.40
(ii) intimating the place and date of auction and if necessary the date of removal of attached effects, as in item 1(a) or (b) above, as the case may be - - -
(b) (i) Officer (debt manager or above) and witness attending auction but auction not executed for whatever reason £ 67.25 £ 67.25 £ 67.25
(ii) Officer (debt manager or above) and witness attending auction £124.30 £124.30 £124.30