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DMBM681750 - Ordinary Cause: Process folder

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Once a notice of intention to defend has been lodged, the sheriff clerk will make up aprocess folder with numbered files.

Included in the folder at this stage of the proceedings will be

  • the initial writ (numbered 1)
  • the notice of intention to defend (numbered 2)
  • interlocutor sheets (and duplicates) (numbered 3 and 4) (DMBM680090)
  • production files for both pursuer and defender (numbered 5 & 6) (DMBM680090)
  • a motion file (numbered 7) (DMBM680090) and
  • an inventory of process (DMBM680090).

All papers submitted for inclusion in the process folder must be on A4 paper of durable(lasting) quality.