DMBM803740 - Time To Pay: Setting up Time To Pay: PAYE cases

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BROCS in-year PAYE

You cannot use the IA function for in-year PAYE debts. Instead, you should:

  • set the LA signal on BROCS to call the relevant PAYE month(s) to IDMS
  • note the BROCS action history screen using function NA CNA including:
  • the amounts and months that TTP has been agreed for
  • the date TTP was agreed
  • the instalment amounts and dates.

Once the debt is on IDMS you should:

  • note the IDMS record
  • set a B/F to monitor for payment.

When setting up a Time To Pay payment plan on NDDS it is important that you reference number you use includes the correct year and month that the payment is for. This will make it easy to identify the payment as a TTP payment as opposed to a normal monthly payment.

BROCS underpayments

You can use the IA function on IDMS for PAYE underpayments. Whilst setting up a Time To Pay payment plan on NDDS it is important to make sure that payments are correctly allocated to the right year.

This will avoid IDMS automatically issuing reminder if payments are incorrectly allocated and will also stop BROCS from inappropriately clearing in-year months.