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DMBM880010 - RLS: Tracing Unit procedures: Managing worklists

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DMOs will transfer all new cases for all Heads of Duty to Management Unit 01. You should treat this as your registration worklist and use the Management Units on IDMS to manage all work item types you are responsible for.

You can allocate the other Management Units to different types of your work as you see fit.

Note: As cases can be transferred in error to the wrong Management Unit you should regularly review all Management Unit worklists to ensure no inappropriate cases are held there.

When a Taxpayer is transferred to you the case will appear on your registration worklist with a next action of review and a BF date of when the Taxpayer became RLS. You should therefore:

  • check this worklist daily and then
  • transfer the Taxpayer to the appropriate Management Unit using TRANSFER OWNERSHIP
  • follow existing procedures until you have found an address
  • retain the case while comprehensive trace activity to obtain an alternative address is undertaken
  • ensure that the IDMS Action History Notes are updated each time the case is worked; where necessary, DMOs should refer to these notes to monitor progress towards resolution of cases.

Depending on whether the new address is traced by the Tracing Unit or entered on to the record by another office will determine how you will deal with the case.

Note: Any new work items appearing on IDMS will appear on your worklist whilst you are the owning OU.