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DST53100 - Details Required for DST Registration

The DST Registration process asks a series of questions to help the Responsible Member provide the required information to HMRC. The exact question asked will depend on the answers to earlier screens in an intuitive way, but the full list of potential questions is produced below for information.

Q1. Confirmation of Correspondence Address

If the registered address of the Responsible Member should not be used it is possible to update the correspondence address at this stage.

Q2. Is the Responsible Member part of a group?

If the answer is Yes then complete question 3 otherwise skip to question 4

Q3. Provide the name and registered office address of the group’s ultimate parent company

Q4. Provide the name and contact details of the individual HMRC should contact about the DST Registration. The email address here will be provided with the confirmation of registration and DST reference number.

Q5. Did the group become liable to DST on 1 April 2020?

Q5.a. What date did the group become liable to DST?

Only asked if the answer to Q5 is No

Q6. What is the end date of the first accounting period the group is liable for DST?

Finally, it will be necessary to confirm the details provided are correct.