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DIPPRIV1400 - Introduction: laws and agreements

The principal laws and international agreements covering these reliefs and immunities are listed below and include UK primary and secondary legislation and Headquarter agreements (the following list is not exhaustive):

Diplomatic Privileges Act 1964

enacts the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961 which describes the entitled bodies and personnel and the privileges and immunities available.

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Consular Relations Act 1968

enacts the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations 1961 which describes the entitled bodies and personnel and the privileges and immunities available

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Commonwealth Secretariat Act 1966

describes the entitled body and personnel and the privilege and immunities available

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International Organisations Act 1968 and 2005

describes the entitled bodies/personnel and the privileges and immunities available

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Customs & Excise (Personal Reliefs For Special Visitors) Order 1992

describes the entitled personnel and the conditions attached to the following:

  • relief for entitled personnel from any duty or tax on the removal from a customs warehouse of any alcoholic or tobacco goods
  • relief for entitled personnel from any tax chargeable on the purchase of motor vehicles manufactured in another member state or a member of EEA/EFTA