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DIPPRIV5400 - Goods and services for the use of entitled individuals: refund of duty and VAT on hydrocarbon oil

Entitled individuals (those with continuing privileges) are eligible to claim a refund of the duty and VAT paid on petrol and diesel using Form TX10 and the accompanying TX10(Priv) (available from the FCO). The claims should be sent to the Mineral Oils Reliefs Centre, Chillingham House, Benton Park View, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE98 1ZZ. The entitled individual should enter details of each individual purchase on the Form TX10 and add up the amount of duty and VAT for each type of fuel (leaded, unleaded and diesel). The form:

  • must be signed by the Head of the mission and forwarded to the FCO for eligibility
  • must be authorised by the Head of mission and FCO prior to repayment and will be returned to the Mission for correction if the correct authority is not provided
  • may be adjusted or corrected for minor arithmetical errors with repayment being adjusted as appropriate