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DIPPRIV6200 - Importing motor vehicles

Entitled missions and entitled personnel may import, or withdraw from a UK customs warehouse, motor vehicles free of duty and/or VAT subject to the following procedures:

  • A completed form C426 should be authorised by the Head of Mission
  • Once authorised, the form should be forwarded to the FCO Protocol Directorate to confirm eligibility and authorise entitlement to relief
  • The completed C426 parts 1 (Customs copy) and 3 (Applicant’s copy) and NOVA 1 (available on-line) should be forwarded to the Personal Transport Unit with a copy of the registration document and the C88 (form completed when importing goods) to the Personal Transport Unit within 14 days of the date of arrival of the vehicle in the UK

The Personal Transport Unit will process the application on receipt of the required documents.

HM Revenue & Customs, Personal Transport Unit, Level 3 Erskine House, 20-32 Chichester Street, Belfast, BT1 4GF