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DIPPRIV6500 - Motor vehicles: purchase of UK manufactured vehicles

Entitled missions and entitled individuals may purchase vehicles manufactured in the UK, from a UK manufacturer (and occasionally approved dealers), free of VAT using Form 7 (available from the FCO), using the following procedure:

  • The applicant should complete one copy of Form 7 and obtain authorisation of the Head of the Mission
  • After authorisation the form should be forwarded to the DMIOU Protocol Directorate at the FCO for certification
  • The FCO will retain a photocopy and forward the original form to the selling agent

On receipt of a correctly completed form, the selling agent will send the FCO the following:

  • a covering letter with details of purchase and purchaser
  • two copies of the vehicle and tax invoice
  • one copy of the diplomatic registration form and the authorised Form 7 and process the payment

The FCO will make the necessary refund direct to the dealer.