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DIPPRIVUPDATE130410 - Diplomatic Privileges Manual: recent changes

Below are details of the amendments that were published on 10 April 2013 (see the update index for all updates)

Only actual major changes to content are listed in the table below. Other pages within this guidance may have been updated to incorporate a very minor change or to correct any spelling mistakes or broken links, or to change page presentation. You are reminded that any page printed from this guidance is uncontrolled and may not be the latest version. It is recommended you always refer to guidance online.

Page Details of update
DIPPRIV1100 Deleted mention of the FCO
DIPPRIV1200 Inserted the word ‘agreed’ into the last line
DIPPRIV2000 Removed ‘and couriers’ from the section title
DIPPRIV2100 Out of hours telephone number removed
DIPPRIV2200 New final bullet point added
DIPPRIV2300 Added ‘… the FCO should be contacted in the first instance for advice on how to proceed. In cases where misuse is proven …’
DIPPRIV2400 Minor changes, mainly concerning official document needed for UK Border Force
DIPPRIV7000 New page added to this section, DIPPRIV7100 now an overview of European Research Infrastructure Consortia (ERIC) and the previous content now DIPPRIV7200
DIPPRIV9300 EORI number allocation has been deleted and the following page, DIPPRIV9400 Completion of C426 has now been renumbered
DIPPRIV9400 This is now the Glossary, which was previously DIPPRIV9500, and some additions have been made