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DT10153 - Italy: Admissible taxes

The following Italian taxes are admissible for credit in the UK under the convention:

  • personal income tax (imposta sul reddito delle persone fisiche-IRPEF)
  • corporate income tax (imposta sul reddito delle persone giuridiche- IRPEG) including the equalization tax (imposta di conguaglio)
  • withholding tax (ritenuta alla fonte)
  • local income tax (I’imposta locale sul redditi) whether or not collected by withholding at source (ritenuta alla fonte)
  • Substitute tax on reserves (imposta sostitutiva su riserve o fondi in sospensione d’imposta - decree law No.41/95 of 23February 1995)
  • Substitute tax - decree law No.467/97
  • Substitute tax on capital gains - decree law No. 358/97

The following Italian taxes are inadmissible for credit in the UK under the convention:

  • Extraordinary tax on immovable property (imposta straordinaria sulla propriet immobiliare)
  • tax on the net worth of enterprises (imposta sul patrimonio netto dele imprese)- decree law No. 394 of 30 September 1992
  • Mortgage tax and cadastral duty (imposte ipotecarie e catastali)