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DT11063 - Guidance by country: Kazakhstan: relief from Kazakhstan tax

No special forms are available in this country for the purpose of claiming relief from Kazakhstan tax under the agreement. Anyone wishing to make a claim should write to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Tax Committee, 010000, Astana, Pobedy Ave., 11, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Claimants will need to supply a certificate of residence (see /manual/international-manual/intm120080) in support of the claim. It is an absolute requirement of the Kazakhstan authorities that the signature of the inspector on the certificate is supported by an “apostille”. The apostille is confirmation that the signatory is a public official authorised to sign the certificate. The apostille is issued by the Legalisation Office of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

The Legalisation Office

PO Box 6255

Milton Keynes

MK10 1XX

Claimants must obtain the apostille from the FCO in accordance with the procedures outlined on the FCO web-site