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DT18505 - Taiwan: Interest

The Taiwanese tax deducted from interest at the agreement rate of 10 per cent qualifies for credit as a direct tax.

The reduction to the above rate is not given if the interest is effectively connected (see INTM153110 fifth sub-para.) with a business carried on by the United Kingdom resident recipient through a permanent establishment in Taiwan or with a fixed base in Taiwan from which they perform professional services.

However no tax should be deducted by Taiwan from interest

  • paid to and beneficially owned by the United Kingdom government or a United Kingdom local authority, or an agency or instrumentality of the United Kingdom government or local authority;
  • paid in respect of loans made, and loans debt-claims or credit guaranteed or insured by an approved agency or instrumentality of that other territory. The United Kingdom Export Credits Guarantee Department is specified as an approved agency/ instrumentality for this purpose.