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DT2752 - Double Taxation Relief Manual: Guidance by country: Austria: Admissible taxes

The following Austrian taxes are admissible for credit in the UK under the convention:

  • income Tax (Einkommensteuer) including wages tax (Lohnsteuer)
  • capital yields tax (Kapitalertragsteuer)
  • director’s tax (Aufsichtsratsabgabe) (abolished from 31 December 1988)
  • corporation tax (Körperschaftsteuer)
  • trade tax (Gewerbesteuer) in so far as computed on the basis of profits (abolished from 1 January 1994)
  • tax on foreigners or non-residents (Ausländersteuer)

The following Austrian taxes are inadmissible for credit in the UK under the convention:

  • wealth tax (Vermõgensteuer) (abolished from 1 January 1994)
  • land tax (Grundsteuer)
  • capital levy (Vermõgensabgabe)
  • substitute inheritance tax (Erbschaftssteuer-äquivalent) (abolished from 1 January 1994)
  • company tax (Gesellschaftsteuer) (this is a capital contributions tax)
  • turnover tax (Umsatzsteuer)
  • municipal tax on commercial and industrial enterprises (Gewerbesteuer) in so far as computed on a basis other than profits, including:
  • tax on capital employed (Gewerbekapital)
  • pay-roll tax (Lohnsummensteuer)