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DT3503 - Double Taxation Relief Manual: Guidance by country: Belize: Notes


Residence (paragraph 2)

A person is a resident of the UK if they are resident in the UK under UK domestic law and not resident of Belize under Belize’s domestic law.

A company is resident in the UK if it is managed and controlled in the UK and resident in Belize is if it managed and controlled in Belize. The residence tie-breaker for corporate entities is determined according to management and control.

Professors and teachers (paragraph 11)

The arrangement contains a paragraph with an exemption for visiting professors and teachers. You should consult the text of the arrangement for the conditions of the exemption to apply.

Tax spared (paragraph 13)

Paragraph 13(1)(A) provides for credit for ‘tax spared’ (see INTM161270) in Belize under those provisions of the Belize Development Incentives Ordinance 1960 which were in force on 12 December 1973 or a subsequent provision which is agreed by the taxation authorities to be of a substantially similar character. Amounts of ‘tax spared’ for which relief is given should be reported as mentioned at INTM161290.