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DT4076 - DT: Brunei: double taxation agreement, Article 7: Royalties


  1. Any royalty derived from sources within one of the territories by a resident of the other territory who is subject to tax in that other territory in respect thereof and is not engaged in trade or business in the first-mentioned territory through a permanent establishment situated therein, shall be exempt from tax in that first- mentioned territory; but no exemption shall be allowed under this paragraph in respect of so much of any royalty as exceeds an amount which represents a fair and reasonable consideration for the rights for which the royalty is paid.

  2. In this paragraph the term `royalty` means any royalty or other amount paid as consideration for the use of, or for the privilege of using, any copyright, patent, design, secret process or formula, trade-mark, or other like property, but does not include a royalty or other amount paid in respect of the operation of a mine or quarry or of other extraction of natural resources.