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DT4851 - Double Taxation Relief Manual: Guidance by country: Chile: Admissible taxes

The following Chilean taxes are admissible for credit in the UK under the convention:

  • taxes imposed under the Income Tax Act (Ley sobre Impuesto a la Renta)

These include:

  • the income tax (impuesto a la renta)
  • the complementary global tax (impuesto global complementario)
  • the additional tax (impuesto adicional/tasa adicional). Note that this is a tax paid when profits are distributed but it is a tax on profits (qualifying, where appropriate, for relief as underlying tax), it is not a withholding tax
  • the property tax (contribucion territorial) in so far as it is set off against first category income tax

The following Chilean taxes are inadmissible under the convention:

  • the reinsurance premium tax