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DT7261 - Double Taxation Relief Manual: Guidance by country: France: Admissible taxes

The following French taxes are admissible for credit in the UK under the convention:

  • the income tax (l’impôt sur le revenu)
  • the corporation tax (l’impôt sur les sociétés)
  • the social contribution on corporation tax (la contribution sociale sur l’impôt sur les sociétés)
  • the tax on salaries (la taxe sur les salaires)
  • the Solidarity levy (Prelevement de Solidarite)

The following French taxes are inadmissible for credit in the UK under the convention:

  • The “contributions sociales généralisées”
  • The “contributions pour le remboursement de la dette sociale” (see Article 24(2)(c))

The following taxes were deemed to be inadmissible during the period in which the previous convention was in effect:

  • trade tax (taxe professionnelle)
  • tax for the expenses of Chambers of Agriculture (taxe pour frais de chambres d’agriculture)
  • contribution to the supplementary fund for agricultural social benefits (taxe perçue au profit du budget annexe des prestations sociales agricoles)
  • special levy on financial institutions (contribution annuelle des institutions financières) introduced by the finance law of 1977
  • wealth tax (Impot de solidaritésur la fortune) introduced 1 January 1989
  • payments by way of annual minimum tax (imposition forfaitaire annuelle) which are not set off against Corporation Tax