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DT8415 - DT: Grenada: double taxation agreement, Article 16: Termination

This Arrangement shall continue in effect indefinitely but either of the Governmentsmay, on or before the 30th day of June in any calendar year after the year 1950, givenotice of termination to the other Government and, in such event, this Arrangement shallcease to be effective

(a) In the United Kingdom:

as respects income tax for any year of assessment beginning on or after the 6th April in the calendar year next following that in which the notice is given; as respects sur- tax, for any year of assessment beginning on or after the 6th April in the calendar year in which the notice is given; and as respects profits tax, in respect of the following profits-
(i) profits arising in any chargeable accounting period beginning on or after the 1st April in the calendar year next following that in which the notice is given;
(ii) profits attributable to so much of any chargeable accounting period falling partly before and partly after that date as falls after that date;
(iii) profits not so arising or attributable by reference to which income tax is chargeable for any year of assessment beginning on or after the 6th April in that next following calendar year;

(b) In Grenada:

as respects income tax (including surtax) for any year of assessment beginning on or after the first day of January in the calendar year next following that in which such notice is given.