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DT9551 - India: Admissible taxes

The following Indian taxes are admissible for credit in the UK under the convention:

  • the Income Tax and any surcharge thereon imposed under the Income Tax Acts 1961 (including the Minimum Alternate Tax on companies)
  • the Additional income tax on distributed profits (the Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT)), but relief only as underlying tax - see INTM164440). The DDT was abolished in India for dividends paid on or after 1 April 2020
  • the Health and Education Cess when it is payable as a surcharge on income tax but not when it is imposed as a surcharge on excise or customs duties

The following Indian taxes are admissible for unilateral relief:

  • the Income Tax charged at income tax rate for non-resident companies on 7.5 per cent of the gross freight earnings (`freight tax’)

The following Indian taxes are inadmissible under the convention:

the Wealth Tax (abolished in 2015)