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DTUPDATE060331 - Double Taxation Relief Manual: recent changes

Below are details of the amendments that were published on 31 March 2006 (see the update index for all updates).

Section Title and details of update
DT14000 Netherlands: Amendment
DT14001 Netherlands: Page has been deleted
DT14005 Netherlands: Amendment
DT14006 Netherlands: Page has been deleted
DT14008-DT14011 Netherlands: Small amendments
DT14051-DT14052 Netherlands: Small amendments
DT14054 Netherlands: Small amendments
DT14065 Netherlands: Title and small amendment
DT14066 Netherlands: Title and small amendment
DT14071-DT14072 Netherlands: Small amendment
DT14100-DT14101 Netherlands Antilles: Small amendments
DT14102-DT14104 Netherlands Antilles: Page has been deleted
DT14105 Netherlands Antilles: New Page inserted
DT14150-DT14151 New Caledonia: Title and small amendment
DT14152 New Caledonia: New page inserted
DT14300-DT14301 Nicaragua: Title and small amendment
DT14302 Nicaragua: New page inserted
DT14350 Niger: Title and small amendment
DT14352 Niger: New page inserted
DT14800 Oman: Small amendment
DT14801 Oman: Title and small amendment
DT14802-DT14804 Oman: Small amendment
DT14807 Oman: Small amendment
DT14810 Oman: New page inserted
DT14950-DT14951 Pakistan: Small amendments
DT14952 Pakistan: Title and small amendments
DT14953 Pakistan: Page has been deleted
DT14954 Pakistan: Title and small amendments
DT14955 Pakistan: Small amendments
DT14956 Pakistan: Amendments
DT14957 Pakistan: Page has been deleted
DT14958-DT14959 Pakistan: Small amendments
DT14960 Pakistan: Title and amendments
DT14961 Pakistan: Small amendments
DT14990 Pakistan: New page inserted
DT15050-DT15051 Panama: Title and small amendments
DT15052 Panama: New page inserted
DT15200-DT15201 Paraguay: Title and small amendments
DT15202 Paraguay: New page inserted
DT15250-DT15251 Peru: Title and amendments
DT15252 Peru: New page inserted
DT15300-DT15304 Philippines: Small amendments
DT15306 Philippines: Small amendments
DT15340 Philippines: New page inserted
DT15350 Philippines: Title
DT15351-DT15353 Philippines: Title
DT15354 Philippines: Title and small amendments
DT15355-DT15358 Philippines: Title
DT15359 Philippines: Title and small amendment
DT15360-DT15364 Philippines: Title
DT15366-DT15367 Philippines: Title
DT15368 Philippines: Title and small amendment
DT15369-DT15375 Philippines: Title
DT15376 Philippines: Title and small amendments
DT15377 Philippines: Title
DT15601-DT15605 Portugal: Small amendments
DT15606 Portugal: Amendments
DT15640 Portugal: New page inserted
DT15651-DT15652 Portugal: Small amendments
DT15654 Portugal: Small amendments
DT15657-DT15659 Portugal: Small amendments
DT15665 Portugal: Title
DT15671-DT15672 Portugal: Small amendments
DT15677-DT15678 Portugal: Small amendments
DT15702 Puerto Rico: New page inserted
DT16002 Renuion: New page inserted