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DTUPDATE080702 - Double Taxation Relief Manual: recent changes

Below are details of the amendments that were published on 2 July 2008 (see the updateindex for all updates)

Section Details of update
DT2301 Algeria – change of heading; corrected spelling and additional paragraphs at the end.
DT6601 Equatorial Guinea – Insertion at end of the text.
DT5903 Denmark – change of heading; deletion in first sub-heading and addition to end of text.
DT8730 Guinea Bissau – New DT added
DT8731 Guinea Bissau – New DT added
DT9252 Hungary – Changes to first main heading and second main heading plus a deletion and additional text before final sentence.
DT10658 Japan – DT completely changed.
DT12909 Malta – change of heading plus some deletions from text and one small insert.
DT12966.22 Malta – change to heading plus insert into text (b) and note added at end of text.
DT14002 Netherlands – DT deleted and latest version inserted
DT16601 Saudi Arabia – Text inserted at the end.
DT19886 United States of America – sub headings changed to bold text; minor deletions and change of Article number.