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DFS1030 - Introduction: How to use this guidance

This book is designed for use as a reference manual on matters specific to the Duty Free Spirits regime.

For clarity, it is divided into 6 sections:

  • Section DFS1000 sets out the scope and aims of the book. In addition it provides advice on how to use the book.
  • Section DFS2000 Background:

Within each page the headings in bold font entitled “Policy and Application” deal with the interpretation of the legal provisions and highlights the Department’s policy. The policy statements clarify where the discretionary provisions of the law have not yet been delegated.

This section should be used when seeking guidance on the application of law and policy or when encountering problems of interpretation. The full text of primary law and regulations should be used where accurate reproduction of the law is essential, eg when offence action is under consideration.

    • sets out the systems objectives;
    • shows what laws and regulations apply to the regime;
    • provides advice on the interpretation of the law;
    • defines the role of Policy; and
    • makes clear the scope of delegation.
  • Section DFS3000 sets out the law and policy governing the Duty Free Spirits regime. Within each page the headings in bold font eg False declarations introduce the law, policy and application detail. Within each page the headings in bold font entitled “Law” reproduce the relevant provisions contained in primary law and the regulations. Each is equally binding and future references in these guidelines will normally be to “the law”. Whilst these headings cover all legal provisions, it is not a complete reproduction of the law.
    • Section DFS4000 provides an overview of the Duty Free Spirits system and guidance on a range of technical matters.
    • Section DFS5000 draws on the experience of control officers to provide guidance on good control practice. The contents of this section are not prescriptive but should be given careful consideration when drawing up audit plans.
    • Section DFS6000 provides a list of approved herbal and homeopathic remedies.
    • Section DFS7000 lists a glossary of terms relevant to this guidance.