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ETASSUM10010 - Introduction to tax advantaged share schemes: About this manual

This manual provides guidance on each of the tax advantaged share schemes. The organisation of the manual follows the legislation and will refer to the Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003 (ITEPA) unless otherwise indicated: section 2 relates to Schedule 2 of ITEPA (SIP), section 3 relates to Schedule 3 of ITEPA (SAYE), section 4 relates to Schedule 4 of ITEPA (CSOP) and section 5 relates to Schedule 5 of ITEPA (EMI). All references to paragraphs in each of the sections refer to a paragraph in that particular schedule unless otherwise indicated.

The guidance is intended for use by companies and practitioners who intend to offer such schemes and the procedures they will need to follow in order to establish, register and self certify the scheme. Specimen documents are provided in each section for guidance purposes and to demonstrate how the requirements of the legislation may be met.