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ETASSUM11300 - Introduction to Tax Advantaged Share Schemes: Setting up a scheme: Registering a scheme

Before a company submits their annual ERS returns for 2014-15 onwards, they must register with HMRC their schemes and arrangements using the HMRC online service for ERS. A company can register the following: a Schedule 2 SIP (refer to ETASSUM20110), a Schedule 3 SAYE (refer to ETASSUM37030), a Schedule 4 CSOP (refer to ETASSUM41130), an Enterprise Management Incentives arrangement EMI (refer to ETASSUM56010). See

For an EMI, the company will be able to create notification of a grant of an EMI option, the company will have to register in order to notify the grant of an EMI option (ETASSUM56010).

For SIP, SAYE & CSOP – the company must self-certify that every Schedule 2 SIP, Schedule 3 SAYE scheme, and Schedule 4 CSOP meets the legislative requirements.

The plan will only qualify for tax advantages if the company has registered and self certified within the appropriate time limits (refer to ETASSUM20110 for SIP, ETASSUM37030 for SAYE, ETASSUM41130 for CSOP and ETASSUM56010 for EMI).