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ETASSUM39070 - Schedule 3 SAYE option schemes: Supplementary and Defined terms: Index of defined terms

Paragraph 49 provides a list of terms used in the Schedule 3 SAYE code and sets out where they occur in the schedule or where they are defined or otherwise explained.

Term Schedule 3 location Guidance location
Associated company Paragraph 47(1) ETASSUM39050
The bonus date Paragraph 30(3) -
Certified SAYE savings arrangement Paragraph 48(1) ETASSUM34030
Child Section 721(6) -
Close company Section 989 ITA 2007 ETASSUM33160
Company Paragraph 48(1) ETASSUM39060
Connected person Section 718 -
Constituent company Paragraph 3(3) ETASSUM39030
Control Section 719 (also paragraph 35(4)) ETASSUM33050
Distribution Section 989 of ITA 2007 -
Earnings Section 62 & 721(7) -
Eligible shares Paragraph 17(2) ETASSUM33020
Employee and employment Section 4 ETASSUM32100
Group scheme Paragraphs 3(2) and 46 ETASSUM39030
Market value Paragraph 48(1) ETASSUM35130, ETASSUM39060
Member of a consortium Paragraph 48(2) ETASSUM39060, ETASSUM33060
Non-UK company reorganisation arrangement Paragraph 47A ETASSUM35500, ETASSUM36080
Notice Section 989 of ITA 2007 -
The options Paragraph 2(2) ETASSUM34040
Ordinary share capital Section 989 of ITA 2007 ETASSUM33070
Participant Paragraph 2(2) ETASSUM32100
Participate Paragraph 2(2) ETASSUM32100
Personal representatives Section 989 of ITA 2007 ETASSUM32170
Recognised stock exchange Section 1005 of ITA 2007 ETASSUM35160
Restriction ( in relation to shares) Paragraph 48(3) ETASSUM39060
The SAYE code Section 516(3) -
Schedule 3 SAYE option scheme Paragraph 1 & Part 8 of Schedule 3 ETASSUM38040
The scheme organiser Paragraph 2(2) ETASSUM39020
Share option Section 516(4) ETASSUM35100
Shares Section 516(4) ETASSUM33020
Tax Section 989 ITA 2007 -
Tribunal Section 989 ITA 2007 ETASSUM37110