ETASSUM53050 - Enterprise Management Incentives (EMI): Eligible employees: Material interest examples
Paragraph 28, Schedule 5 of the Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003 (ITEPA)
Example 1
Material interest and shares under a Schedule 4 CSOP option;
- Issued ordinary share capital: 1000 shares
- Shares held by employee A: 50 shares
- Options held by employee A: Nil
A has interest in 5% - 50/1000; therefore not a material interest
- Schedule 4 CSOP option granted to employee A over 500 shares
- To be satisfied by new issue shares
The grant on 01/02/2023 gives employee A:
- An interest in 550 shares (50 + 500)
- Out of a total of 1500 shares (1000 + 500 new issue shares)
This is an interest of 36.66% which is a material interest
This would prevent employee A being granted any EMI options.
Example 2
Material interest and shares under tax advantaged EMI options;
- Issued ordinary share capital: 1000 shares
- Shares held by employee A: 50 shares
- Options held by employee A: nil
A has interest in 5% - 50/1000; therefore not a material interest
- EMI option granted to employee A over 500 shares
- To be satisfied by new issue shares
The grant on 01/02/2023 gives employee A:
- An interest in 550 shares (50 + 500)
- Out of a total of 1500 shares (1000 + 500 new shares)
EMI options are not taken into account for the material interest test. For the purpose of this test, A’s interest is 50 shares out of a total of 1000 shares. His interest remains at 5% and he can therefore be granted further EMI options.