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EIM10450 - Employment income: vouchers

Section 62 ITEPA 2003

If an employee receives money, goods or services by reason of the employment through the use of a voucher or credit token, see EIM16010 onwards.

The case of Laidler v Perry (42TC351) was decided before the enactment of the special rules dealt with at EIM16010 onwards. The employer gave employees gift vouchers at Christmas with a face value of £10. They could be exchanged for goods at shops of their choice. The vouchers were held to be within what is now Section 62 ITEPA 2003, the amount of earnings being the face value of the vouchers. This valuation of the chargeable earnings was a matter of fact determined by the First-tier Tribunal, not a principle considered by the Courts. The special rules dealt with at EIM16010 onwards have supplanted the decision in Laidler v Perry, but the case is still an important authority for deciding what is earnings from the employment (see EIM00600).