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EIM11437 - Living accommodation: property with no gross rating value set: request to District Valuer

Section 105(3) ITEPA 2003

Some United Kingdom properties do not have an actual gross rating value. For those properties a notional gross rating value should be provided by the employer (see EIM11436). If you need a notional gross rating value to check a figure provided by an employer, or otherwise, ask the District Valuer. Do not use form CG20(new). Send a typed memo stating:
- the name and address of the employee and the employer - the address of the property for which the notional gross rating value is required - that the valuation is required to quantify a charge under Section 105 ITEPA 2003 - that the figure required is the gross rating value the property would have been given under the old rating system - the employer’s estimate (if any) of the notional gross rating value - whether a not negotiated or an agreed value is required - if an agreed value is required, the name and address of the person with whom the value is to be agreed (if other than the taxpayer).

The District Valuer can also help find an actual gross rating value for a property where such a figure was set in the past but the amount cannot be found from any other source.