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EIM11478 - Living accommodation: Section 107 ITEPA 2003: District Valuer's help in market value cases

Section 107 ITEPA 2003

In a case where the cost of providing the living accommodation is on the market value basis under Section 107 ITEPA 2003 (see EIM11473) you may need to ask the District Valuer to advise on the market value of the property (see EIM11477), for example if you want to check the market value figure provided by the employer or employee. In such a case ask the District Valuer for a not negotiated valuation in a typed memo. Form CG20(new) should not be used.

The District Valuer will need the following information:

  • the name and address of the employee and employer
  • the address and description of the property
  • the date at which the valuation is required
  • the nature of the valuation required
  • the interests held by the employer, the person providing the accommodation and persons connected with the employer or person providing the accommodation
  • the dates and costs of acquisition of those interests
  • copies of any lease or tenancy agreements
  • the rent currently payable (if any) and the date it was set
  • who bears the rates, insurance and repairs
  • the name and address of any professional adviser acting for the employee.

The District Valuer may be able to give you the price at which a property was transferred where the employer or employee does not or cannot provide it.

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)