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EIM12976 - Termination payments and benefits: payments in lieu of notice (PILONs): contractual payments

EMI Group Electronics v Caldicott (71TC455)

With effect from 6 April 2018, an element of all payments received in connection with the termination of a person’s employment are chargeable to income tax as general earnings (see EIM13874).

Where an employee receives a contractual payment in lieu of notice (PILON), it is chargeable under Section 62 ITEPA 2003 as earnings from the employment (see EIM00515).

A contractual PILON is one that has its source in the contractual arrangements between employer and employee. Such arrangements can take a variety of forms, including:

  • the main contract document
  • a side letter to the main contract document
  • a staff handbook
  • a letter of appointment
  • a redundancy agreement
  • an employer-union agreement

It is important to consider all possible contractual sources.

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Sometimes these arrangements give the employer a choice or discretion of giving notice or making a PILON. That was the situation in the EMI case, where under the terms of the contract the employer had a reserved right to make a payment in lieu of notice. It was accepted that the right was exercised and the Court of Appeal held that such a payment is chargeable under section 62 ITEPA 2003.

An employer in this situation can choose not to give proper notice and also not to make a payment in lieu under the contract. If so, the terms of the contract are breached, and a payment for that breach falls within section 401 ITEPA 2003. It is dealt with as a damages payment (see EIM12978 and Example 3 in EIM13924). Such cases must be examined critically to ensure that there is evidence that the employer did in fact choose to breach the contract. The case of Richardson v Delaney (74TC167) is an example of a case where the High Court rejected the employer’s claim that such a breach had occurred.

If there is no contractual source for the PILON, consider:

  • whether there is a custom of making PILONs, see EIM12977
  • whether the PILON is damages, see EIM12978