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EIM13310 - Termination payments and benefits: non-cash benefits other than living accommodation received after 6 April 1998: cash equivalent: rules appropriate to particular benefits

Section 415(2)(b) ITEPA 2003

EIM13280 explained that it is necessary to identify where the type of benefit being provided is dealt with in the benefits code.

Benefit Cash equivalent instruction Notes
Use of a car EIM23015  
Car fuel EIM25550  
Use of a van EIM22700  
Medical benefits EIM21760  
Beneficial loan facilities EIM26101 The cash equivalent of the beneficial loan is also treated as interest paid and so may be available for relief - see EIM13320.
Mobile telephone EIM21780  
Other benefits EIM21101 In particular, assets placed at the taxpayer’s disposal (except cars, mobile telephones and vans, which are dealt with above) - see EIM21615.

When the value is established, it is income of the year of receipt - see EIM13100.