EIM16140 - Vouchers and credit-tokens: amount and year of charge

Sections 81, 87 and 94 ITEPA 2003

The following explains the cash equivalent of the benefit and the year in which liability arises in relation to the various types of voucher.

Voucher exchangeable for goods and services - a non-cash voucher

Cash Equivalent

An amount equal to the additional expense incurred by the employer or third party specifically for the purpose of providing:

  • the voucher itself and
  • the money, goods or services for which the voucher can be exchanged, less any part of the expense made good to the provider by the employee

From the 2017 to 2018 tax year the latest date for making good when calculating the taxable value of the benefit of a non-cash voucher is 6 July following the tax year in which the tax liability arises

When liability arises

Voucher received by employee

The year of assessment in which the provider of the voucher incurs the expense, unless the employee does not receive the voucher until a later year, in which event earnings arise in the year of receipt.

Voucher appropriated to employee

Each appropriation to the employee ranks as a receipt by the employee at the time of the appropriation, even though he or she may take possession of the voucher only at some later stage.

Cheque voucher

Cash equivalent

As for voucher exchangeable for goods and services above.

From the 2017 to 2018 tax year the latest date for making good when calculating the taxable value of the benefit of a cheque voucher is 6 July following the tax year in which the tax liability arises.

When liability arises

The year of assessment in which the voucher is handed over in exchange for money, goods or services. (A voucher that is posted is treated as handed over at the time of posting).

Transport voucher

Cash equivalent

An amount equal to the additional expense incurred by the employer or third party specifically for the purpose of providing the voucher itself and the passenger transport services that it can be used to obtain, less any part of the expense made good to the provider by the employee.

From the 2017 to 2018 tax year the latest date for making good when calculating the taxable value of the benefit of a transport voucher is 6 July following the tax year in which the tax liability arises.

When liability arises

As for voucher exchangeable for goods and services above.


Cash equivalent

An amount equal to the additional expense incurred by the employer or third party specifically for the purpose of providing the credit-token in or in connection with the provision of the money, goods or services obtained, less any part of the expense made good to the provider by the employee. No earnings arise in respect of any initial or annual subscription incurred by the person providing the credit-token or in respect of any interest charged by a credit card company.

From the 2017 to 2018 tax year the latest date for making good when calculating the taxable value of the benefit of a credit token is 6 July following the tax year in which the tax liability arises.

When liability arises

On each occasion that the employee uses the credit-token.

Cash voucher

Cash equivalent

An amount equal to the sum of money for which the voucher is capable of being exchanged. Cash vouchers should be taxed under PAYE.

When liability arises

At the time when the employee receives the voucher or, if the voucher is merely appropriated to the employee, the time of appropriation.