EIM21000 - The benefits code: general: contents
Part 3 Chapter 3 ITEPA 2003
EIM21001Benefits: general
EIM21002What is meant by a “benefit”
EIM21003Motive of employer irrelevant: Rendell v Went
EIM21004Benefits and fair bargains: Mairs v Haughey
EIM21005Benefits chargeable under other legislation
EIM21006Cash payments can be benefits: Wicks v Firth
EIM21007Interaction of the benefits code with the taxing of payments and benefits received on termination or change of employment
EIM21008Interaction of the benefits code with the taxing of payments and benefits received on termination or change of employment: continued
EIM21010When a benefit is provided: Templeton v Jacobs
EIM21101Cash equivalent of benefits
EIM21102Cash equivalent: general rule
EIM21110Cash equivalent: 'in-house' benefits: Pepper v Hart
EIM21111Cash equivalent: 'in-house' benefits: examples of marginal additional expense
EIM21119Time limits for making good
EIM21120Cash equivalent: making good
EIM21121When must making good take place?
EIM21122'Making good' by waiver of remuneration
EIM21200Apportionment of cash equivalent
EIM21201More on apportionment of cash equivalent: Westcott v Bryan
EIM21210Deduction for necessary expenses
EIM21220Who is person providing the benefit
EIM21230Special rules for valuation of certain benefits
EIM21240Benefits and expenses exempt from tax
EIM21241Benefits and reimbursed expenses not chargeable to tax: table
EIM21600Particular benefits and expenses payments