EIM24000 - The benefits code: car benefit: calculating the cash equivalent: index: contents
The guidance on car and car fuel benefits has been restructured. There is a conversion chart between the old and new page numbers at EIM23005.
This index covers the calculation of the cash equivalent. There are related indexes at:
Calculation: introduction and method
Calculation Steps 1 to 4: the price of the car for tax purposes
Calculation Step 1: the price of the car - list or notional price
EIM24100Step 1, price of the car: list price or notional price
EIM24105Step 1, price of the car: list price
EIM24110Step 1, price of the car: list price: manufacturer, importer or distributor
EIM24115Step 1, price of the car: imported cars
EIM24120Step 1, price of the car: carbon offset charges
EIM24150Step 1, price of the car: notional price
EIM24155Step 1, price of the car: notional price - particular cars
EIM24175Step 1, price of the car: exception: cars manufactured to run on road fuel gas
EIM24180Step 1, price of the car: automatic car for use by a disabled employee
Calculation Step 2: accessories
EIM24200Step 2, accessories: introduction
EIM24205Step 2, accessories: qualifying accessory (definitions)
EIM24207Step 2, accessories: security enhanced cars
EIM24210Step 2, accessories: standard accessory, non-standard accessory (definitions)
EIM24215Step 2, accessories: initial extra accessory, later accessory (definitions)
EIM24220Step 2, accessories: list price, notional price (definitions)
EIM24225Step 2, accessories: conditions when determining list or notional price (part 1)
EIM24230Step 2, accessories: conditions when determining list or notional price (part 2)
EIM24235Step 2, accessories: initial extra accessory with list price quoted by manufacturer, etc. of the car
EIM24240Step 2, accessories: initial extra accessory with list price quoted by manufacturer, etc. of the accessory
EIM24245Step 2, accessories: initial extra accessory with notional price
EIM24250Step 2, accessories: later accessory
EIM24255Step 2, accessories: replacement accessories: general
EIM24260Step 2, accessories: replacement accessories: new accessory not superior to old
EIM24265Step 2, accessories: replacement accessories: new accessory superior to old
EIM24270Step 2, accessories: exceptions: equipment necessarily provided for use in the performance of the duties
EIM24275Step 2, accessories: exceptions: equipment for disabled persons
EIM24280Step 2, accessories: exceptions: cost of converting car to run on road fuel gas
EIM24285Step 2, accessories: exceptions: miscellaneous
EIM24290Step 2, accessories: personalised car number plates
Calculation Step 3: Capital contributions
Calculation Steps 1-4: Classic cars
Calculation Step 4: Price cap (2002/03 to 2010/11 only)
Calculation Steps 1-4: Examples
Calculation Step 5: Appropriate percentage: background
EIM24500Step 5, appropriate percentage: introduction
EIM24505Step 5, appropriate percentage: when does a car have an approved CO2 emissions figure?
EIM24510Step 5, appropriate percentage: approved CO2 emissions figure: car first registered in the UK from 1 January 1998 to 28 February 2001
EIM24515Step 5, appropriate percentage: approved CO2 emissions figure: car first registered in the UK from 1 March 2001 onwards
EIM24520Step 5, appropriate percentage: approved CO2 emissions figure: car first registered in other EU countries
EIM24525Step 5, appropriate percentage: approved CO2 emissions figure: car imported from outside the EU
EIM24530Step 5, appropriate percentage: approved CO2 emissions figure: more unusual models
EIM24535Step 5, appropriate percentage: approved CO2 emissions figure: cases of difficulty
Calculation Step 5: Appropriate percentage: car with an approved CO2 emissions figure
EIM24550Step 5: appropriate percentage: 2002 to 2003 onwards: car with an approved CO2 emissions figure: overview
EIM24605Step 5, 2008/09 to 2011/12: qualifying low emissions cars (QUALECs)
EIM24610Step 5, 2012 to 2013 to 2014/ to 2015: cars with CO2 emissions between 1-75 g/km
EIM24611Step 5: Ultra Low Emissions Vehicles (ULEVs): 2020 to 2021 onwards
EIM24620Step 5, appropriate percentage bands from 2015 to 2016
EIM24655Step 5, 2012 to 2013 onwards: relevant threshold
EIM24705Step 5: appropriate percentage: tax years 2015 to 2016 onwards: ready reckoner for type A cars
EIM24730Step 5, 2011 to 2012 onwards: adjustments to appropriate percentage and code letters used for different fuels
EIM24735Car benefit calculation step 5: appropriate percentage 2015 to 2016 onwards
EIM24815Step 5, 2002/03 to 2009/10: type E, cars propelled solely by electricity
EIM24850Step 5: 2010 to 2011 to 2014 to 2015: type E cars only
EIM24855Step 5, 2011 to 2012 onwards: type D, all diesel cars
EIM24860Step 5, 2011 to 2012 and 2014 to 2015: type A, all cars except types E and D
EIM24900Step 5, 2002 to 2003 onwards: automatic car for use by a disabled employee
EIM24905Step 5, 2002 to 2003 onwards: meaning of automatic transmission
Calculation Step 5: Appropriate percentage: car without an approved CO2 emissions figure
Calculation Step 5: Appropriate percentage: car first registered before 1998
Calculation Step 6: annual car benefit charge before reductions
Calculation Steps 1-6: examples
Calculation Step 7: car unavailable
EIM25100Step 7: reduction in car benefit charge
EIM25105Step 7: reduction in car benefit charge: meaning of unavailable
EIM25125Step 7: replacement car
EIM25130Step 7: replacement car: meaning of materially better
EIM25135Step 7: replacement car: meaning of arrangement
EIM25150Step 7: reduction in car benefit charge: example
EIM25170Step 7: circumstances when car is unavailable: example
EIM25175Step 7: circumstances when car is not unavailable: example
EIM25180Step 7: replacement car: circumstances that do not count as arrangements: example
EIM25185Step 7: replacement car: circumstances that do count as arrangements: example
Calculation Step 7A: shared car
Calculation Step 8: payments for private use
EIM25250Step 8: deduction for payments for private use of a car
EIM25253Step 8: deduction for payments for private use of car - exceptional circumstances
EIM25255Step 8: deductions for private use of a car – CIR v Quigley
EIM25260Step 8: payments for a more expensive car
EIM25261Step 8: examples
EIM25265Step 8: deductions for private use payments - cases of doubt