EIM42800 - Residence and domicile: contents
EIM42802Meaning of resident in the United Kingdom
EIM42804Meaning of domicile: claim to be not domiciled
EIM42806Claims to be not domiciled in the United Kingdom: action on receipt of claim
EIM42810Meaning of resident in the UK
EIM42820Resident in more than one country
EIM42830Husband and wife
EIM42840Counting days spent in the UK
EIM42850Year of commencement or cessation of residence
EIM42860Employees resident and not resident in the same tax year
EIM42870Action when an employee comes to, or leaves, the UK
EIM42880Advice from BAI, Personal Tax International
EIM42890Issue of form P86
EIM42900Action on receipt of completed P86: year of arrival
EIM42910Taxpayer coming to the United Kingdom: taxpayer’s residence status in the United Kingdom from the date of arrival
EIM42920Claims to repayment on cessation of residence in the UK
EIM42930When to issue form P85(S)
EIM42940When to issue form P85
EIM42950Action on receipt of completed forms P85 and P85(S)
EIM43000Residence or employment in the Irish Republic: contents