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EIM76221 - Social security benefits: how jobseeker's allowance is made up

Part 10 Chapters 3 and 4 ITEPA

The amount of jobseeker’s allowance (JSA) someone receives depends on his or her circumstances.

Everyone receives a basic personal allowance. The amount of that allowance depends on the age of the person and whether he or she is claiming as a single person or on behalf of a couple. The basic personal allowances payable during 2002/03 were the same whether someone was entitled to contribution based JSA or income based JSA.

The rates from 7 April 2003 are as follows:

  • under 18 (usual rate) - £32.50 per week
  • age 18 to 24 - £42.70 per week
  • lone parent aged 18 or over - £53.95 per week
  • aged 25 or over - £53.95 per week
  • couple (both under 18) - £32.50 per week
  • couple (both 18 or over) - £84.65 per week.

Some people receive extra amounts on top of the basic personal allowance to cover their particular circumstances. For example, for dependent children or if the person claiming has a disability. These amounts are only available to people who qualify for income based JSA.

The JSA basic personal allowance is nothing to do with income tax personal allowances.