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ERSM10070 - Introduction

Table of relevant legislation over the years

Old legislation (pre-6/4/2003) ITEPA 2003 as originally enacted (6/4/2003 – 15/4/2003) ITEPA 2003 as amended by Schedules 21 & 22 FA 2003 (from 16/4/2003) FA 2004 FA 2005 & F(No 2)A 2005
Various definitions & information powers Chapter 1 Part 7, Introduction Chapter 1 Part 7, Introduction, as from when relevant in context of other chapters Anti-avoidance measures for public offers and approved schemes, as from 18/6/04 Insurance contracts added to list of securities, as from 2/12/04
S140A-C ICTA 1988 (intro by FA 1998), Conditional shares, and S78 FA 1988, Charge where restrictions removed Chapter 2 Part 7, Conditional interests in shares and Chapter 4 Part 7, Restrictions or rights varied Chapter 2 Part 7, Restricted securities, as from 1/9/03 Detailed anti-avoidance measures from 7/5/04 or 18/6/04 and NIC elections as from 1/9/04 Detailed anti-avoidance measures, as from 2/12/04
S140D-F ICTA 1988, (intro by FA 1998), Convertible shares Chapter 3 Part 7, Convertible shares Chapter 3 Part 7, Convertible securities, as from 1/9/03 Detailed anti-avoidance,measures from 7/5/04 and NIC elections as from 1/9/04 Detailed anti-avoidance measures as from 2/12/04
- - Chapter 3A Part 7, Securities with artificially depressed market value, as from 16/4/03 Detailed anti-avoidance measures,from 7/5/04 -
S79 FA 1988, Shares in dependent subsidiaries Chapter 4 Part 7, Increase in value of shares of dependent subsidiaries Chapter 3B Part 7, Securities with artificially enhanced market value, as from 16/4/03 Detailed anti-avoidance measures, from 7/5/04 -
S162 ICTA 1988, Employee shareholdings Chapter 8 Part 3, Notional loans in respect of acquisition of shares Chapter 3C Part 7, Securities acquired for less than market value,as from 16/4/03 Detailed anti-avoidance measures, as from 7/5/04 Detailed anti-avoidance measures, as from 2/12/04
S162(6) ICTA 1988, Employee shareholdings Chapter 9 Part 3, Disposals of shares for more than market value Chapter 3D Part 7, Securities disposed of for more than market value, as from 16/4/03 - -
S80 FA 1988, Special benefits Chapter 4 Part 7, Post-acquisition benefits from shares Chapter 4 Part 7, Post-acquisition benefits from securities, as from 16/4/03 Detailed anti-avoidance, measures, as from 7/5/04 Detailed anti-avoidance measures, as from 2/12/04
- - - - Chapter 4A, Shares in research institution spin-out companies, as from 2/12/04
S135-S140 ICTA 1988, Gains by directors & employees from share options Chapter 5 Part 7, Share options Chapter 5 Part 7, Securities options, as from 16/4/03 for other securities and from 1/9/03 for shares Detailed anti-avoidance measures from 18/6/04 -
S47 & Schedule 8 FA 2000, Employee share ownership plans (ESOPs) Chapter 6 Part 7 and Schedule 2 Approved share incentive plans (SIPs) Detailed amendments in Schedule 21 FA 2003 - -
S185 & Schedule 9 ICTA 1988, Approved share option schemes Chapter 7 Part 7 and Schedule 3, Approved SAYE option schemes Detailed amendments in Schedule 21 FA 2003 - -
S185 & Schedule 9 ICTA 1988, Approved share option schemes Chapter 8 Part 7 and Schedule 4, Approved CSOP schemes Detailed amendments in Schedule 21 FA 2003 - -
S62 & Schedule 14 FA 2000, Enterprise management incentives (EMI) Chapter 9 Part 7 and Schedule 5, Enterprise management incentives (EMI) - - -
S86 FA 1988, Priority share allocations for employees Chapter 10 Part 7, Priority share allocations - - -