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ERSM140060 - Reporting Requirements - Form 42

Tax-advantaged Schemes

Save As You Earn schemes (SAYE)

If the employees are granted options and/or exercised options under an HMRC Savings Related Share Option scheme, do not provide details on Form 42. Details should be shown on Form 34.

Company Share Option Plans (CSOPs)

If the employees are granted options and/or exercised options under an HMRC Company Share Option Plan, do not provide details on Form 42. Details should be shown on Form 35.

Share Incentive Plans (SIP)

Do not include shares awarded to an employee under an approved SIP. Instead include this information on Form 39.

Enterprise Management Incentives (EMI)

The limit for options granted under EMI is £250,000 (£120,000 prior to 16 June 2012) and EMI options up to this limit must be reported on Form 40. If options in excess of £250,000 are granted, you must provide details of options granted in excess of £250,000 in section 1a of the Form 42.